In chapter 19 Jonas learned, for real, what releasing was."He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing. He continued to stare at the screen numbly." (pg 150). After this was said Jonas will really understand the importance of having memories. His father does not understand how bad what he just did is. How could he? He has no way of knowing what killing someone can mean because he has no knowledge of the pain that action of his causes, he was just following the rules given to him. Jonas is really aware now of the repressive and unfair society he lives in. I think Jonas wants to share what this society is doing and what they are doing. With the memories shared, like memories are meant to be, people will leave in a much more real and human society. Jonas understands the inhuman things the community does, now to make a change all he needs is to show the rest of the people living in the community why it is wrong.
Some things this has left me thinking right now is what will Jonas do to achieve for everyone to gain back the memories. How will people handle the tremendous amount of pain they will go through? Will Jonas ever find out what happened in the community he left? Jonas may be a strong person but what if people in the community cannot handle the pressure and pain?